Constitution of the South Hams Community Orchestra
(An Unincorporated Association)
Article I: Name
The name of the orchestra shall be The South Hams Community Orchestra (‘the Orchestra’).
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the Orchestra shall be to promote music education by providing the opportunity for amateur musicians to play music together in a supportive and inclusive environment and to promote and develop the appreciation of music in the community through public performances and outreach programs.
Article III: Activities
The Orchestra will:
- Normally meet for rehearsals on Monday mornings during school term times, totaling over 30 rehearsals annually.
- Expect members to commit to participating in a minimum of two-thirds of all rehearsals. Members unable to attend rehearsals or concerts should inform their section head or the Musical Director in advance.
Article IV: Membership
Membership is open to anyone over 18 who is interested in playing music and supports the purposes of the organisation, provided there is a vacancy for their instrument. Additional conditions:
- Members should play their instrument at a level equivalent to ABRSM Grade 4 or above and attend two free rehearsals before approval by the Musical Director. No formal music qualification is required.
- Members pay termly subscriptions at a rate set by the Committee and approved by members.
- A membership register will be maintained in compliance with Data Protection regulations.
- Membership is terminated if:
- The member dies.
- Subscriptions are not paid in full within three months.
- The Musical Director and Committee agree on termination.
- Discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, or belief is not allowed.
Article V: Governance
The Orchestra is managed by a Committee, which includes a chair, secretary, treasurer, and up to three other elected members. Key points:
- The Committee appoints the Musical Director and Orchestra Leader and approves the musical program.
- Responsibilities include financial management, administration, and implementing Safeguarding and Data Protection policies.
- Musical Director and Orchestra Leader are ex-officio members but cannot vote.
- Conflicts of interest must be declared, and members with conflicts cannot vote on related matters.
Article VI: General Meetings
- An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held each year with 21 days’ written notice to members. The Committee presents reports and accounts for the preceding year at the AGM.
- Members approve termly subscription increases and elect Committee members for three-year terms. Retiring members are eligible for re-election.
- Each member has one vote at meetings, with a quorum of 20 members.
- Members can propose a special general meeting with at least 21 days’ written notice.
Article VII: Committee Meetings
- Regular Committee meetings occur once per term or as needed. Special meetings can be called by the chair or any two members.
- The quorum is three unconflicted Committee members. Each member has one vote.
- The Committee has the power to raise funds and invite contributions.
Article VIII: Finances
- The Orchestra operates on a not-for-profit basis, with the financial year ending on December 31.
- All funds are used to support the Orchestra’s purposes, including reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of the Orchestra.
- The treasurer maintains accurate financial records, with payments authorized by two Committee members.
- Financial accounts are independently scrutinized annually and reported at the AGM.
Article IX: Amendments
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote at the AGM or any general meeting, provided members receive at least 7 days’ written notice of the proposed amendment.
Article X: Dissolution
If the Orchestra is dissolved, remaining assets will be distributed to non-profit organizations that advance music in the South Hams community.
Endorsed by the members on 15th May 2023
Chair – Gill Jolly
Date: 25th September 2023
Committee Member – Robin Bacon
Date: 25th September 2023
A PDF version of this document is available here.