Agenda :
- Apologies (Chairman)
- Approval of previous AGM minutes – see below
- Chairman’s verbal report.
- Appointment of Officers/Committee Members (Chairman)
- New Secretary – Alison Williams to replace Sarah Owen
- New Treasurer – we desperately need a new Treasurer as a replacement for Keith Preston – volunteer please!!
- Any other volunteers for the committee, without which the orchestra cannot function,
- Music Director’s Report (Ian)
- Finance report (Keith)
- Governance update (Chairman). Constitution and Privacy Notice on new website.
- Any other business (Chaiman)
Last AGM Minutes (22 January 2024):
- Apologies for absence – nil.
- Approval of previous AGM minutes. Unanimously approved with comment that much work on the new constitution has been done during the year.
- Appointment of Officers / Committee members: Sue Darling has moved and hence left the Committee. Gill Jolly will stand down but will stand for re-election. Proposed, seconded and all in favour. Gill will not stand again in 3 years time, so succession planning needs to be done. Judy Jennings has offered to stand; likewise proposed, seconded and all in favour.
- Music director’s report: The orchestra is at capacity, there will be no more expansion in the wind/brass sections. The main musical focus of the orchestra will continue to be Baroque and Classical music, with 2 concerts per year. IH thanked the orchestra for their hard work. Reciprocal thanks given to Ian and Mark for all their work.
- Finance report had been circulated. The surplus for the year was about £400. There was extra expenditure on previous years with the provision of the workshop. A workshop is planned for July. A successful application for Gift Aid may affect our finances and the situation will be reviewed at the end of the year. RB outlined the Gift Aid situation. An examiner of accounts will be appointed – Simon Blades
- AOB – non.