Join Us

The Orchestra welcomes new members who wish to develop ensemble skills, share the joy of playing with other musicians and who are keen to explore a range of music.

There is no audition required but the minimum standard is Grade 4 or the ability to sight-read and play to that level and above.

Prospective players are invited to two rehearsals to find out what we do and for Ian to determine if they can cope with the demands of the music.

The South Hams Community Orchestra has places for:

  • Violas
  • Bassoon
  • Double Bass
  • Bass clarinet

We are well served with violins, cellos, clarinets and flutes.

Not all players can be available for every concert. Consequently, it may be necessary to ask another musician from other Devon orchestras to deputise. This is at the discretion of the musical director and committee. In this instance, the musician will be able to attend a rehearsal and the performance without being a member of the orchestra or paying subscription costs.

Member Subscriptions

Members pay a subscription at the start of each term, which covers hire of rehearsal and concert venues, music scores and the fee of the musical director.

The subscription is based on the number of sessions in the term at £4 per session. As an example, the Spring term has 12 rehearsals, so the fee is £48.

Further details of our rehearsal and concert schedule can be found here.

Membership Enquiries

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All membership enquiries are reviewed by Ian, our musical director.

Please use the contact form to tell us about your instrument(s), grade(s) and past experience.

c/o Greenwood Consort, Donkey Lane, Ugborough, Ivybridge, PL21 0NY

01752 698156


Interested in joining the South Hams Community Orchestra?

The Orchestra welcomes new members who wish to develop ensemble skills, share the joy of playing with other musicians and who are keen to explore a range of music. We are currently seeking viola players, a second double bass and a bassoon player.